In a nation gasping for the breath of peace amidst the choking fumes of violence, the words of Lt. General Tukur Buratai and Major General Henry Ayoola pierce through with sharp clarity, delineating a truth many whisper but few dare to roar—Nigeria’s insecurity is a festering wound inflicted not by the unseen hand of fate but by the all-too-visible hands of its political class. Mr. President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, the mantle of leadership rests heavy on your shoulders, the eyes of millions—hopeful, desolate, and watchful—gaze upon your actions, awaiting the herald of a new dawn. The veil has been lifted by those who once commanded battalions, and now, I implore you to command change.
Deploy the might of your office, the strength of your resolve, and the full weight of political will to address the roots gnawing at our nation’s core.
The insecurity being faced in the country since 2009 was the creation of the political class. With a strong political will, it can be surmounted
Banditry, terrorism, and a myriad of social ills are but the bitter fruits of deeper systemic maladies—poverty, unemployment, and a ravenous political culture that has cannibalized our security for personal gain.
Your presidency, Mr. Tinubu, has the unique opportunity to metamorphose from a position of governance to a beacon of hope. Let the experts’ insights be the compass guiding your strategy, not the whispers of fleeting political expediencies.
The challenges we have are not security challenges, instead they are political and we are not ready to call it the real name
Heed the call, Mr. President. Not with a whisper, but with a thunderous resolve that shakes the foundations of corruption, cronyism, and complacency that have long crippled our beloved Nigeria. Only then can the tides of insecurity be stemmed, only then can we as a nation march toward the promise of prosperity and peace that is the birthright of every Nigerian.
Be bold, be steadfast, be the change.