Exam Processing and Registration
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) UK exam is a comprehensive assessment for nursing and midwifery licensure in the United Kingdom. The NMC oversees the examination process to ensure that only qualified nurses and midwives are permitted to practice within the European Economic Area.
To apply for the NMC UK exam, follow these steps:
Step 1: NMC Assessment Phase
The NMC Assessment phase evaluates the candidate’s eligibility for the examination based on their qualifications.
Step 2: NMC Test of Competence Phase
The NMC has developed a two-part test of competence for nurses and midwives seeking registration in the UK. For applicants trained outside the UK, the NMC may require completion of the Test of Competence (ToC) to assess their skills and knowledge. The test comprises two parts, which can be taken in any order:
- Computer Based Test (CBT): A theory-based, multiple-choice exam with questions primarily focused on knowledge, comprehension, and application.
- Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE): A practical nursing and midwifery test administered in the UK.
Step 3: NMC Admission and Registration Phase
After passing the tests, candidates must provide evidence that they meet the other NMC UK registration requirements to obtain a license.
For international nurses and midwives from the Nigeria seeking to take the NMC UK exam, they must first demonstrate their ability to practice safely and effectively, considering their qualifications, training, and experience. Additionally, foreign-educated candidates must prove they possess the necessary English language skills for effective communication.
Navigating the application requirements and qualifications for the NMC UK exam can be challenging, especially for foreign healthcare professionals unfamiliar with the process. As a result, candidates are advised to seek assistance from a specialized application preparation center, such as ELAB SOLUTIONS.
ELAB SOLUTIONS is a pioneering medical exams application center that provides a streamlined and efficient application process for healthcare professionals seeking licensure in the United Kingdom.
For further inquiries about the requirements, qualifications, and fees for the The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) UK Exam Application, please email