USA License Endorsement

A Comprehensive Guide for Registered Nurses

Registered nurses who are already licensed and have worked in the United States but plan to move to another state may opt for a License Endorsement. This application is typically made when nurses need to relocate permanently to another state while maintaining their license from their previous state.

The License Endorsement application process involves the RN applying for a license in the state where they intend to practice their profession. The second state grants license endorsement applications upon verification of credentials and if the applicant satisfies their additional licensure conditions.

ELAB Solutions Consult Provides License Endorsement
Application Services for the Following US States:

How to Apply for US License Endorsement with ELAB Solutions Consult?

An ELAB Solutions Consult agent will consistently guide and support the registered nurse throughout the license endorsement process. This begins with determining the state where the nurse will be deployed. The processing timeframe and fee will vary depending on the state board to which the initial license will be endorsed.

The RN License Endorsement Application typically comprises the following stages:

  Credential Evaluation Verification

During this phase, the applicant’s originating state is declared, and their credentials are validated. In some states, the CGFNS qualifying exam result is a requirement.

  Endorsement Application

Depending on the US state, a state’s Board of Nursing may require a Credential Evaluation Service (CES) application to be processed. Furthermore, the application fee and processing time are also contingent on the state’s Board of Nursing.

Unlike the initial application for the license through examination or the NCLEX, applicants seeking assistance for license endorsement will no longer need to sit for the exam. However, the status of both states will remain active.

Experience a Smooth License Endorsement Process with ELAB Solutions Consult

Navigating the license endorsement process can be challenging due to the varying requirements and procedures across different states. ELAB Solutions Consult is here to help ensure a seamless and efficient experience for registered nurses seeking license endorsement in the United States.

Our team of experienced professionals offers guidance and support throughout the entire process, from determining the deployment state to submitting the necessary documentation for credential evaluation and endorsement applications. Additionally, our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each applicant.

For more information on getting started with your US License Endorsement application, contact us at