Global Update on Additional Verification Fees for Dataflow Group Services

We are pleased to announce an important update regarding the additional verification fees required by various issuing authorities worldwide. This update is crucial for all individuals and organizations utilizing the Dataflow Group’s primary source verification services. As a global leader in assisting with verification services, we strive to keep our clients informed about all aspects that might affect their verification process, including fee structures.

Understanding the Additional Fees

The Dataflow Group collaborates with a wide range of institutions and organizations globally, including universities, colleges, licensing bodies, and regulatory agencies. These entities sometimes impose additional charges for verifying credentials, which are necessary for completing the verification process. These fees are directly charged by the issuing authorities  via the Dataflow Group and are non-refundable.

Why the Update?

Recently, we have observed changes in the fee structures imposed by some issuing authorities. To aid our clients in planning and budgeting their verification processes, we have compiled a comprehensive list of the updated fees charged by these institutions across various countries.

Detailed Fee Structure

Below is a detailed table that outlines the additional verification fees by country and institution. This table serves as a quick reference to help you understand the potential costs associated with verifying educational and professional documents through the Dataflow Group:

How Can We Assist?

For those preparing to submit applications through the Dataflow Group, please consider these additional fees during the checkout process. If you require assistance with your Dataflow application, ELAB SOLUTIONS INTERNATIONAL LLC, USA, is here to help. They manage the filing and processing of your Dataflow applications, ensuring a smooth and efficient verification process.
For further assistance or inquiries, please contact elabsolution at
We hope this update will assist you in your planning and ensure a seamless verification process.

Picture of SAMUEL TOLA


With a Professional Certificate in Google Data Analytics & Business & Technical Writing Immersion. Tola loves to read and discuss the nexus between health, technology, and global politics. He can be contacted at

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